Associazione Italiana Allenatori Pallavolo (Italian Volley Trainers Association)- LMS



Italian association that brings together the leading volleyball coaches in national and international contexts. More than 400 members operate in all sectors of the national volleyball league, from the national team to Serie A, from youth sectors to foreign national teams. The association was established with the purpose of creating a network among trainers in order to build an open environment where all participants can find ideas to improve and develop their work and passion


To provide a set of specific training content (technical and juridic) that must be structured, easily accessable, permanent and traced, in order to add enhance knowledge, experience and ideas. To incentivize new debates, visions and links in order to explore all the opportunities for volleyball

Added Value

The association was able to build autonomously contents - materials presented by teachers - and processes



Academy implemented on a dedicated multi-device application. For maximum independence, the application was implemented (supporting its configuration) on hosting purchased and managed by the customer. The authentication system was integrated with the members management portal "Athena Portal"; together with the payment of the fee, users have access to content made available in the Academy


The customer has acquired autonomy  in the use of the platform very quickly. The dedicated staff  acquired the skills needed to quickly upload content and extract reports



Coaching of key users for the presentation of the services, the management of the various functions of the platform and the treatment guidelines of content